When you visit Chateau MerrillAnne you will have great wine and a wonderful wine experience, from their one-on-one service, where you can talk to the Owners about wine, to the rustic and relaxing tasting room. Chateau MerrillAnne offer indoor seating in the tasting room, a spacious deck area, and huge open meadows where you can enjoy a picnic lunch. The quiet atmosphere, pastoral views, and great company are a perfect way to wind down from the stress of the work week. www.ChateauMerrillAnne.com


Hours of operation are:

March, April, May, September, October, November; Fridays 11-5, Saturdays 11-5, Sundays 12-5,
and Federal Holiday Mondays 11-5.

SUMMER HOURS: June, July and August, Thursday thru Monday 11-5.

All other times by appointment.

Limos, please arrive before 1PM.


Our address is 16234 Marquis Rd., Orange, Va. 22960

If using GPS please enter the address of 16234 Marquis Rd., Orange Va. 22960 and NOT the Winery name. Google maps has incorrectly located the winery on their map.
